Friday, January 30, 2009

Loving every minute

Loving every minute………of…………
The words we say to each other,
The gist we share,
The teasing and the ribbings.
The looks that transmit between us,
The coy little glances we throw at each other,
The little moments we share together,
Your warm and tender smile,
Your angelic face,
The kisses,
The touches,
The cuddles,
The……..u know,
And best of all your lovely, beautiful body.
All this and even many more that are simply unmentionable,
But forever unforgettable.
Which makes loving you so wonderful,
This is why,
When am with you,
Am always loving every minute of it.


You are for me,
Am for you
Cos every 1 has a being made specially for him or her.
The difficult thing is not how to make you fall in love with me,
The difficult part was finding you without knowledge of whom am looking for.
But now I’ve found you,
Nothing and nobody is going to get you from me,
But until death do us apart.
My feelings towards you can’t be put in words,
I dream about you every night, think about you every time,
Every portrait I look at I see u in it,
And my love for you is increasing by every passing second.
I love you not cos of what u have got or how you look,
But I love you for what I see in you,
And you can be sure that,
You have 100% assurance of my steadfast and ever growing love for you.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


If wishes were horses, beggars will ride.

And of a fact, if wishes were horses,

I would probably be a cowboy all my life,

But alas, wishes are not horses,

Thus I can’t ride,

But if they were;

I would wish to be the wind,

to gently blow and caress your cheeks,

I would wish to be the sun,

to cast my graze on your face unflinchingly,

I would wish to be a nightingale,

to sing sweet songs into your ears

I would wish to be your jacket,

for you to draw me closer whenever you are feeling cold.

I would wish I was your pillow,

for you to lay your head on and hold me close all night long.

But then,

If I had just one wish, I would wish for you to love me,

Just the way, I love you.

If I was an artist,

I will draw you with the best colours.

If I was an actor,

I will try to always do the right things.

If I was a singer,

I will try to find a melody as beautiful as you.

If I was an orator,

I will use the right words to impress you.

But as am neither of the above,

For I am just me,

And as I am me,

I will love you as much as I can till infinity and beyond.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

My Dudulewa

I love meeting and knowing beautiful people,
But beautiful is an understatement to describe you,
You are simply a masterpiece.
My Dudulewa,
The lady with a lovely face,
And a dark skin that glows and shines,
As to be overwhelmingly lovely to behold,
And overly tempting to want to own.
My Dudulewa,
Eyes so white, wide and friendly,
Always with a ready smile,
And a helping hand.
My Dudulewa,
With breasts so full and so captivating,
Coupled with a body to trip for,
And a carriage to admire.
My Dudulewa,
A lady with a friendly disposition,
Listening ear,
And a caring heart
My Dudulewa,
My friend,
My sister,
And my lover.
My Dudulewa,
The one lady that has captured my heart,
My body
And my soul.
My Dudulewa,
My soul mate,
The love of my life,
And my wife to be.
My Dudulewa,
I love you,
And will love you
Till infinity and beyond.

Monday, January 5, 2009


Where are they?
Let me at them.
I want them, and I want them now,
I pray, “God grant me patience”,
But He should hurry.
Where are they?
At least if Mohammed doesn’t go to the mountain,
Then the mountain should come to Mohammed.
And even if the Red Sea had not parted,
Moses and the Israelites will have swum across.
Where are they?
Where are the Kings?
I want to stand before them,
If not then they should stand before me, abi?
For the Good Book says,
“Seeth a man who excels in his work, he will stand before Kings;
And not before unknown men”. (Proverbs 22:29).
I don come O!
Where are the Kings?


Am in trouble,
Cos am a condemned man.
Sentenced for a crime that comes natural,
Judged for having the natural in born instincts to commit such a crime.
Am a condemned man,
Condemned to write all the days of my life,
Cos it’s a natural God given talent.
Am a condemned man,
Condemned to write till I get in trouble,
Or better still, till it brings me fame and fortune.
Am a condemned man,
Condemned to keep doing what I love,
And, ……………………am loving it.